Solvent Testing
PharmaChemical Division
- Pharma-Chemical division located at MIDC Tasawade near Karad Satara which is the one stop solution for our valuable costumers.
- Our Laboratory equipped with Autoclave suitable for Hydrogenation, oxidation, reduction, Pressure reactions.
- We cater services related optimization of reaction and process related. Our state of the art Autoclave includes automated utility feature with up to 200 Deg. Celsius temperature, 100 kg/cm 2 & 2.0 L working capacity.
- In addition we have Gas chromatography with auto injector for analysis of in-process sample, raw material and solvents.
- Availability of all instruments/equipment to perform various types of reactions.
- Well-ventilated and spacious laboratory area.
- Skilled technical staff.
- Raw material, In-process and finished good analysis support
- Advance Autoclave for fine tuning reaction.